'I'm a doctor - here's why a morning poo should be the first thing you do'

A poo in the morning is the optimal organ time to have that bowel movement, a doctor has claimed.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Man sitting on the toilet

Circadian timing helps signal to the body to have a proper bowel movement (Image: GETTY)

There are many things people do to start their day, from eating breakfast to taking the dog for a walk. But according to naturopathic doctor Dr Janine Bowring, one thing that should come above all things, is going for a morning poo.

Advising her followers on TikTok, Dr Bowring said: “According to traditional Chinese medicine, morning elimination, so having that poop in the morning, is the optimal organ time to have that bowel movement.”

She then explained: “We know that the body has processed and detoxified throughout the night through the liver and the kidneys and all those toxins that we’re exposed to on a daily basis.

“Then we dump that load through the bowels in the morning to start the day again.”

Circadian timing helps signal to the body to have a proper bowel movement, said Dr Bowring.

It’s based on the light and dark cycle of the day and temperature changes in the night, which typically is lower.

In the day, when things warm up, this is what signals to the body to have that proper bowel movement.

Dr Bowring added: “So my tip here - whenever you can see that early morning light, allow your body to warm up naturally in the morning first thing to help to stimulate that good poop.”


Why a Morning POO SHOULD Be the FIRST Thing You Do️ Dr. Janine emphasizes the importance of having a morning bowel movement. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the ideal time for elimination is in the morning, as the liver and kidneys have been processing and detoxifying overnight, and the body needs to expel toxins to start afresh in the morning. Additionally, a healthy circadian rhythm, which is heavily influenced by the light and dark cycles of the day and temperature changes, plays a crucial role in good gut health and regular bowel movements. Dr. Janine recommends getting early morning sunlight exposure or, if not possible, sitting by an open window. Follow for more natural health tips. #poop #guthealth #POOPING #morningpoop

original sound - doctorjanine Bowring, ND

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